International Nursing Research Conference 2017
20-22 October 2017
Culture, Co-Creation, and Collaboration for Global Health


VDO presentation guideline for the conference

Nursing has long provided services to the global community which, in turn, contributes to global health. Global health is about worldwide health improvement, reduction of disparities, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders. In order for global health to be achieved, extensive efforts from all disciplines including nursing have been made. The Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) and the World Academy of Nursing Science (WANS) have agreed to take an initiative to hold the international conference, "Culture, Co-creation, and Collaboration for Global Health" in order to offer opportunities for nursing research networking designed to improve global health outcomes.


  1. To update on advances in nursing research, practice, management and education in relation to global health issues
  2. To contribute to fostering and continuing international collaboration, networking and partnerships in nursing research in global health
  3. To bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars from diverse academic and clinical settings to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of global health and nursing innovations
  4. To provide a forum for lecturers, nurses, and students to discuss the issues and trends of nursing related to global health


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  1. Nursing towards emerging issues/ Global health
  2. Intervention/ Innovation in healthcare/ education/ service systems
  3. Cultural diversity in healthcare/ education/ service systems
  4. Collaboration and partnership in healthcare/ education/ service systems
  5. Leadership and management/ policy in health care/ education/ service systems/nursing workforce
  6. Ethics in healthcare/ education/ service systems
Download the INRC2017 brochure , here.


    Registration fee
    1 May-31 July, 17 1 Aug-30 Sept, 17
    ASEAN countries US$ 200 US$ 225
    Other countries US$ 400 US$ 450

Last update: Nov. 16, 2017